At Master Plastics we believe in the power of business to make a positive impact on society. Our dedication to social impact is not just a responsibility, but a reflection of our values.
Through our efforts, we strive to create a positive change and build a better, more inclusive future. We are proud to highlight just some of the meaningful contributions we make to the well-being and advancement of our people and communities.
Diversity & Inclusion
Our recruitment policies and processes are geared to identify and attract a diverse talent pool and eliminate biases in the recruitment process.
Our comprehensive range of zero-tolerance policies for discrimination and harassment contributes to ensuring a workplace culture within the Group that values diversity, promotes respect and ensures the well-being of our employees, leading to a more positive and sustainable organisational environment.
Human Rights & Fair Labour Practices
Our dedication to these principles is integral to our corporate values and is reflected in the following policies and practices:
• Equal Employment Policy
• Recruitment Policy
• Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy
• Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery Policy
• Anti-retaliation Policy
• Fair, benchmarked
compensation and benefits
• Safe and healthy work environment
• Compliance with all applicable labour laws and any other legislation governing employees and/or the workplace
• Employee empowerment and development
• Employee feedback mechanisms and forums
• Clear grievance and resolution procedures
• Transparent communication
Training & Development
Our comprehensive training and development programmes, which are available to employees at all levels, empower employees to grow both personally and professionally, contributing to their success and the broader societal progress.
From 2021 to 2023, Master Plastics has spent R 1,3m in training and development initiatives for 22 employees, this exclusive of spending incurred on registered learnerships and skills development programmes reported on separately herein.
Learnerships & Skills Development Programmes
These programmes are designed to address skills gaps, enhance employee performance, facilitate career advancement and improve overall productivity, efficiency and overall business performance.
Between 2021 and 2023 a total of 292 employees participated in learnership and skills development programmes at a cost of R 15,9m.
Social Impact Projects
Master Plastics initiates and supports projects that drive positive social change. We take great pride in our diverse array of social initiatives, ranging from training and education, sponsorships, product contributions, financial assistance, corporate social investment, and enterprise and supplier development programmes.
Through these multifaceted projects, we strive to cultivate positive change, empower communities and foster sustainable growth.
Between 2021 and 2023 a total of 235 beneficiaries (non-employees) participated in an array of learnership programmes sponsored by Master Plastics at a cost of R 14,2m. More than 90% of the participants were successfully placed upon completion of their programmes.
Between 2021 and 2023 an equivalent amount of R 4,4m was donated/granted to various organisations and individuals in the advancement of previously disadvantaged communities, organisations and individuals.
Through the provision of financial assistance and donations-in-kind, the Group has supported the growth and sustainability of some small and medium-sized black-owned enterprises or start-ups and contributed significantly to economic empowerment, job creation and overall community development.
Depending on the number of applicants, between four and six beneficiaries are selected by the Group annually to benefit from the various programmess with some graduating to becoming suppliers of products and services to the Group.
The financial costs of these various programmes between 2021 and 2023 amounted to R 3,3m and many of the beneficiaries have graduated to become suppliers to the major retailers in South Africa.
Master Plastics has aligned itself with the Buhle Farmers’ Academy, a non-profit organisation, to make a sustainable impact by aligning social and business objectives.
The objective is to create lasting and positive change in communities across South Africa, targeting our core focus area, being agriculture.
Buhle Farmers’ Academy
There are many thousands of new and existing farmers in South Africa needing the skills or support necessary to grow a sustainable farming business. Buhle Farmers’ Academy is an organisation that trains, mentors, and supports these new farmers.
They offer holistic courses covering all the farming and management skills that new farmers need and trainees come from all over the country to learn at their campus. Their farmer support officers mentor as many of the graduates as possible and they manage several programmes providing various forms of assistance to their most promising alumni.
Since they opened their doors in the year 2 000 they have grown from strength to strength, and have now trained over 7 000 emerging farmers – half of them women and 65% of them youth – in vegetable, crops, poultry, and livestock production, and mixed farming. Even better, about 14 000 jobs have been created due to Buhle Farmers’ Academy, based on the assumption that for every new farmer established at least one additional job is created.
Master Plastics is proud to be associated with Buhle Farmers’ Academy and has contributed products and given financial grants to Buhle Farmers’ Academy and other similar smaller organisations equal to R1.3m between 2021 and 2023.
For further details on Buhle Farmers Academy and should you wish to contact them to become a partner or contributor to this organisation please visit their website: